Milling of selected object

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With this feature you may mill selected objects. This is especially handy when you want to use a bigger tool for traces that carry high power.


The next example shows how:


The next picture is a part of an already milled PCB. All the milling is done with a tool 0.25 mm


First go into Milling selection mode.


Then hold the Alt-key + Shift-key while clicking the milling data from the wide traces. (the alt key selects the whole milling chain)


Press the delete key to remove the milling.


Go back to the Object selection mode.

Then hold the Alt-key + Shift-key while clicking the two wide traces.


You could select them, using a window in this case, but sometimes the nets are more complex, using the Alt-key selects the whole net.


Click the right mouse button to select Mill selected objects.




In the next dialog box that appears you may select the tool you want to use.


Select in this case Tool 4:  1.5 mm

and press OK


This will be the result.


Please note that you must first do a complete milling. Then remove the unwanted milling lines for certain traces.


You can perform this feature using all the available tools if you like.


